生活恢復正常? no喇... 遲遲唔都瞓唔著... 朝早唔願起身呀~~~~~ 同事間一時之間冇晒話題!! OTZ...
我就好正常勒,係夜晚有少少無所事事既 feel 唧 ~ ^^
the media here were crazy about the penalty zidane got after head hitting the italian guy. it was major headline over the last few days here!
大頭仔:香港人都仲講緊啊 !泰利:密切留意中 ~
生活恢復正常? no喇... 遲遲唔都瞓唔著... 朝早唔願起身呀~~~~~ 同事間一時之間冇晒話題!! OTZ...
回覆刪除我就好正常勒,係夜晚有少少無所事事既 feel 唧 ~ ^^
回覆刪除the media here were crazy about the penalty zidane got after head hitting the italian guy. it was major headline over the last few days here!
回覆刪除大頭仔:香港人都仲講緊啊 !
回覆刪除泰利:密切留意中 ~