
新入荷海外郵品 @ 20120816

[Australia Post] 科科斯的天空
Skies of Cocos (HK$59)

科科斯(基林)群島位於印度洋珀斯西北部 2,770 公里外,地處偏隅,共有兩個熱帶珊瑚環礁。The remote Cocos (Keeling) Islands are located 2,770 kilometres north-west of Perth in the Indian Ocean and comprise two tropical coral atolls.

[Canada Post] 海龜富蘭克林
Franklin the Turtle (HK$62)

加拿大郵政以該國兒童文學作品中備受讀者愛戴的想像人物為主題,推出全新不定期的郵票系列。這系列第一枚郵票的主角是海龜富蘭克林 (Franklin the Turtle)。這隻小海龜友善可愛,常常溫柔地鼓勵小朋友突破自我。A new occasional series features the wonderfully imaginative characters that populate Canadian "kids' lit." The first stamp in the series is dedicated to that warm and wonderful little reptile who gently encourages children to come "out of their shells" - Franklin the Turtle.

[Canada Post] 倫敦 2012 奧運會
London 2012 Olympic Games (HK$52)

在賽艇這項高水平運動項目中,加拿大眾多賽艇好手競逐奧運賽艇隊席位,勢必掀起連場激戰。毋怪乎加拿大郵政亦以賽艇運動作為 2012 年倫敦奧運會郵票的賣點。With so many of the best Canadian rowers competing for a seat on the Olympic team, we will be stiff competition in this high-profile sport. This is how rowing came to be the focus of this London 2012 Olympic Games stamp.

[New Zealand Post] 印度尼西亞 2012 國際郵票展覽
Indonesia 2012 International Stamp Exhibition (HK$34)

印度尼西亞 2012 國際郵票展覽在 2012 年 6 月 18 日至 24 日舉行,獲國際集郵聯合會和亞洲集郵聯合會贊助,預計是印度尼西亞歷來規模最大的集郵展覽。Indonesia 2012 was held from 18 to 24 June with the support of the Fédération Internationale de Philatélie and the Federation of Inter-Asian Philately, and is expected to be the largest philatelic exhibition ever held in Indonesia.

[Post Danmark] 漢斯‧克里斯蒂安‧安徒生
Hans Christian Andersen (HK$27)

丹麥郵政推出以安徒生童話為主題的全新郵票系列。安徒生童話舉世聞名,丹麥郵政特意委託外國藝術家為郵票設計圖像。首批 4 枚郵票由中國郵票設計師沈嘉宏設計,展示以《牧羊女和掃煙囪的人》、《夜鶯》、《野天鵝》和《老爹做的事總是對的》為題的圖像。Post Danmark's new stamp series shows themes and motifs from Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales. As his stories are internationally known, the idea is to commission foreign artists to design the motifs. The Chinese designer Shen Jiahong has created the first four stamps, featuring motifs from 'The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep', 'The Nightingale', 'The Wild Swans' and 'What the Old Man Does Is Always Right'.

[Post Danmark] 丹麥傳統單片三明治
Traditional Danish open sandwiches (HK$74)

丹麥郵政發行一套 4 枚郵票,頌揚丹麥單片三明治。每枚郵票展示這道美食的經典款式:蛋蝦單片三明治、軋製香腸三明治、馬鈴薯三明治及烤牛肉三明治,款款美味可口,廣受歡迎。As a tribute to the Danish open sandwiches, Post Danmark is issuing four stamps. Each stamp represents a classic of this culinary genre: a slice with egg and prawns, one with rolled sausage, a delicious potato sandwich and last but not least roast beef - all popular classics.

[Singapore Post] 濱海灣花園
Gardens by the Bay (HK$15)

濱海灣花園位處濱海灣的中心地帶,橫跨新加坡河河口。整個花園由濱海南花園、濱海東花園和濱海中花園等 3 個各具特色的海濱花園組成,銳意把新加坡打造成全球最佳熱帶花園城市。Gardens by the Bay - Three distinctive waterfront gardens, namely Bay South, Bay East, and Bay Central across the mouth of the Singapore River, in the heart of Marina Bay will define Singapore as the world's premier tropical garden city.

備註:這兩個郵票最特別之處是它們足有 12 cm(~ 4.75 吋)闊,比較罕見。

[United Nation Postal Administration] 里約+20
RIO+20 (HK$29)

聯合國大會通過決議,同意在 2012 年舉行聯合國可持續發展會議。該會議亦稱為「里約+20」或地球高峰會,在 2012 年 6 月 20 日至 22 日期間於巴西里約熱內盧舉行。「里約+20」旨在落實已更新的可持續發展政治承諾;評估有關工作目前的進度和實施主要高峰會有關可持續發展討論結果的空間;以及應對新挑戰和將會出現的挑戰。The UN General Assembly adopted a Resolution agreeing to hold the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in 2012. Also referred to as "Rio+20" or Earth Summit 20, the conference took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on 20 to 22 June 2012. The objectives of the Conference are to secure renewed political commitment for sustainable development; to assess the progress to date and the remaining gaps in the implementation of the outcomes of the major summits on sustainable development; and to address new and emerging challenges.

備註:聯合國發行自己的郵票的想法是由阿根廷在 1947 年首次提出。1951 年,聯合國與美國郵政達成協議,規定美元面值的郵票只能在聯合國總部的郵局使用。聯合國於 1951 年 10 月 24 日,即聯合國日發行了美元面值的第一套聯合國郵票,立即獲得成功,在數天内銷售一空。其後聯合國還與瑞士和奧地利郵政當局達成類似安排。全世界只有聯合國郵政這既非國家又非政府的機構被允許發行郵票。聯合國郵局也是唯一以三種不同貨幣,即美元、瑞士法郎和歐元發行郵票的郵局。【資料來自:聯合國郵政

[USPS] 郵寄微笑
Mail a Smile (HK$20)

美國郵政在 2012 年以這些熟悉的迪士尼‧皮克斯人物為題發行郵票,再次使我們開放心懷,別忘常常給別人「郵寄微笑」。這套「郵寄微笑」郵票取材自「蟲蟲特工隊」(1998 年)、「反斗奇兵續集」(1999 年)、「怪獸公司」(2001 一年)、「海底奇兵」(2003 年)和「超人特工隊」(2004 年)等 5 部迪士尼‧皮克斯電影中深受歡迎的人物。In 2012, Disney•Pixar's unique characters' familiar faces will lift our spirits once again on stamps that remind us it's always a good time to "Mail a Smile." The Mail a Smile stamps feature beloved characters from five Disney•Pixar movies: A Bug's Life (1998), Toy Story 2 (1999), Monsters, Inc. (2001), Finding Nemo (2003), and The Incredibles (2004).


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