澳洲人的生活品味 一列五枚郵票
Living Australian Strip of 5 stamps 〈HK$28〉
Living Australian Strip of 5 stamps 〈HK$28〉
這套郵票展示由新南威爾士州「澳洲國慶日」理事會舉辦的 AUSSIEVAULT 網上攝影比賽中最後 5 強的參賽作品。總冠軍由新南威爾士州萬達‧拉齊以作品《有給我的一封信嗎?》奪得。其餘納入這套「澳洲人的生活品味」郵票的最後 4 強作品為維多利亞州捨韋勒‧威廉姆斯的《教父們》、南澳安‧克拉克的《小奇跡》、新南威爾士州達米安‧麥登的《午餐在港口》,以及維多利亞州羅納德‧洛克曼的《要加油,問馬路對面的商店去》。
The stamp issue features the top five finalists from the Australia Day Council of New South Wales AUSSIEVAULT Online Photography Competition. The overall winner was "Is There a Letter for me?" by Wanda Lach of New South Wales. The other four finalist's photographs included in this stamp issue are - "The Godfathers" by Chevelle Williams, Victoria; "Little Wonders" by Ann Clarke, South Australia; "Lunch on the Harbour" by Damian Madden, New South Wales and "Fuel Ask at the Store across the Road" by Ronald Rockman, Victoria.
The stamp issue features the top five finalists from the Australia Day Council of New South Wales AUSSIEVAULT Online Photography Competition. The overall winner was "Is There a Letter for me?" by Wanda Lach of New South Wales. The other four finalist's photographs included in this stamp issue are - "The Godfathers" by Chevelle Williams, Victoria; "Little Wonders" by Ann Clarke, South Australia; "Lunch on the Harbour" by Damian Madden, New South Wales and "Fuel Ask at the Store across the Road" by Ronald Rockman, Victoria.
奧運英國隊:男子自行車公路計時賽 小版張(自動黏貼)
Team GB: Cycling: Road Men's time trial Mini-pane(self-adhesive)〈HK$49〉
Team GB: Cycling: Road Men's time trial Mini-pane(self-adhesive)〈HK$49〉
郵品展示布萊德利‧威金斯的肖像,以記念他在自行車計時賽封王,為英國在今屆奧運奪得第 2 面金牌。他現為英國贏得最多奧運獎牌的運動員,7 面獎牌中 4 面為金牌。
This product features Bradley Wiggins, who had won Team GB's second Gold Medal in the Men's Cycling Individual Time Trial Final. He is now Britain's most decorated Olympian with seven medals, including four Gold.
This product features Bradley Wiggins, who had won Team GB's second Gold Medal in the Men's Cycling Individual Time Trial Final. He is now Britain's most decorated Olympian with seven medals, including four Gold.
國慶日 2012 - 歷史名勝 郵票一套四枚
National Day 2012 - Areas of Historical Significance Set of 4 Stamps〈HK$19〉
National Day 2012 - Areas of Historical Significance Set of 4 Stamps〈HK$19〉
這是系列郵票的第 2 套,凸顯新加坡甚具歷史價值的地方,並追溯其蛻變成現代城市的發展足跡。
This is the second series of stamps that highlight areas of historical significance in Singapore and trace their development as Singapore grows into a modern city state.
This is the second series of stamps that highlight areas of historical significance in Singapore and trace their development as Singapore grows into a modern city state.
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