
新入荷海外郵品 @ 20121016

澳門 ~ 昔日漁港 Fishing Harbour in the Past(HK$13)

澳門畫家趙紹之先生在 90 年代以油畫捕捉內港一帶的渡口、節日漁港、水上人家,以及內港碼頭的活動,勾起了人們的集體回憶。 The paintings created in the 90's by the Macao painter Mr. Chio Sio Chi are selected for the stamp designs, the image depicted the ferries, the harbour festivities, the ways of life on boats and the activities in the Inner Harbour, it reminds us the memory of the past.

澳洲 ~ 海底世界 Underwater World(HK$51)

裸鰓亞目屬海洋軟體動物,以色彩絢麗奪目而聞名。 Nudibranchs are marine molluscs renowned for their flamboyant colour patterns.

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